clinical human factors group

The charity working to make healthcare safer

CHFG Human Factors Training

Launch of All Party Parliamentary Group for Patient Safety

We save lives – and we need your help

The charity works with clinicians and experts to promote the use of Human Factors Science to make healthcare safer for patients and staff, to optimise well-being and improve system performance.

Our Mission


Building high reliability

Helping healthcare organisations build high reliability into everything they do

Learning from success and failure

Encouraging a just culture, better local investigations, so mistakes are not repeated and success is.


Promoting Human Factors science

Through education and training in all healthcare settings and designing for safety

The Clinical Human Factors Group, a charity,  was set up by Martin Bromiley after his late wife died needlessly following a routine operation. Ten years on, the charity has influenced a generation of workers by promoting the application of Human Factors science in all areas of healthcare. However, the NHS continues to have 230 preventable deaths per week so there’s more to do.

Avoidable hospital deaths per week

Avoidable hospital deaths per year

Serious incidents reported to NHS per year

Human Factors Perspectives Video Series

Interviews with Founder Martin Bromiley OBE, Chair John Pickles and Trustees Nikki Davey and Debbie Rosenorn-Lanng.  These are a free training resource and cover subjects including bullying, hierarchy, culture, speaking-up, design, training and quality improvement.

Get Involved with our charity

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You can make a donation via PayPal, via Total Giving or Standing Order


Learn more about sponsorship and working with us


Patient Safety eLearning

Attend events

Join us at one of our our seminars


Our ambassadors work to promote the charity and to raise both funds and awareness

How we make a difference

We work across organisations, departments and disciplines and our independence allows us to raise the awkward questions and challenge mainstream assumptions.

“Think of the charity as a campaign and activist group with the power of respected world class experts who are trusted for their independent, considered and thoughtful support and guidance. We have the ability to push where others can’t and it is vital that as we grow and develop we retain these vital capabilities.”

Martin Bromiley OBE


Website visitors

Years of campaigning

Latest Tweets

Cognition and biases have a significant impact on how incidents are investigated in healthcare, highlighted in our (@yqsrdotorg @YHPSRC ) recent study: @ptsafetylearn @SuzetteWoodward @JamesTitcombe @ShaunLintern @WatchPatient @PSCommissioner @ClinicalHF

If anyone is interested in attending a one day human factors and patient safety course- we now have new dates for our UHsussex courses that I run and deliver

We still have spaces available for our Introduction to SEIPS in Healthcare workshop at 9.30 on 27th February. Guaranteed small group to encourage lots of discussion and debate, working through examples to take back to the workplace. Book Now

We still have spaces available for our Introduction to SEIPS workshop at 9.30 on 24th January. Come and join us for an introduction to SEIPS and how to apply it in Healthcare. Book Now

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