
The Charity has over 2800 supporters and our website attracts approximately 30,000 visits per year. Our supporters work in a range of healthcare roles including: clinical professionals, allied professions as well as managers, suppliers and designers. They all have an interest in human factors and ergonomics within healthcare.

If you would like to advertise your human factors or patient safety course here please contact to discuss your requirements and rates.  Please note that Clinical Human Factors Group are not responsible for any of the advertised content on this page.

If you would like to use any of our video on your Trust training course please go to our videos

Global Air Training Human Factors Courses for Healthcare
Global Air Training has delivered Human Factors training programmes for 100+ NHS Trusts and international healthcare organisations. We provide a range of Human Factors training courses to meet the needs of healthcare organisations, including:
• Online self-paced e-learning foundation course
• Open training courses at our UK training centre
• In-house bespoke courses for healthcare organisations
• Instructor-led live online training
• Train the Trainer courses
Human Factors in a Healthcare Environment Course
Discover how understanding human factors can improve patient safety

Human factors is the study of how humans behave and interact with each other and their surroundings. It considers how humans interact in the workplace and how, due to the inevitability of human error, mistakes are likely to occur.
Being Human – Human Factors Courses for Healthcare
Being Human training leads the way by combining our clinical experience with patient safety, human factors and educational expertise.  We are driven by a desire to improve patient safety through enabling transformation of systems and cultures.
Terema – Training for Patient Safety
Terema have been delivering Human Factors training in Healthcare since 2001.

Our expertise and experience is in spreading competence and capability in the management of vulnerability in front line staff.
CHFG eLearning Modules Creating Patient Safety
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In support of the National Patient Safety Syllabus CHFG have created 2 e-learning modules 'Creating Patient Safety', both based around a short film reflecting a real life near miss scenario. It shows the kind of example that many users will have experienced during their working environment. In our experience learning derived from a true story enables the user to be able to relate to the situation and reinforces the key messages around patient safety.
Future Learn Airway Matters – Free online course
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Future Learn and UCL have worked together to supply this free online course incorporating the case study of Elaine Bromiley and the events that led up to her tragic death.
University of Cambridge – Healthcare Innovation PgCert, PgDip & MSt
A one, two or three-year set of part-time qualifications for people, with a wide range of backgrounds, who would like to grow their professional network and to increase their chances of innovating successfully in healthcare. Starting in September each year, and designed to fit in with the demands of full-time employment, the programme incorporates modules including healthcare, systems improvement, patient and population health and entrepreneurship.
Liv Systems – Principles of Human Factors Engineering
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+44 117 230 2090
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Liv Systems is an independent Human Factors consultancy that applies Psychology and Ergonomics to make products and services that are safe and easy to use. Our mission is to tame technology and provide meaningful, safe, and enriching circumstances for the general public and people at work.