Give SEIPS a Chance

Give SEIPS a Chance

There is a trend in modern organisations to ban the use of TLAs (three-letter abbreviations) in work communications. In human factors terms, this is a Good Thing: abbreviations are divisive – separating and excluding those who don’t happen to be familiar with them;...

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Letter from the Patron Professor Sir Ian Kennedy

Letter from the Patron Professor Sir Ian Kennedy

I’m delighted to have accepted an invitation to join Clinical Human Factors Group (CHFG) as a Patron. What, you may ask, does a Patron do? Well, as I see it, my job is to lend my support to CHFG, to raise the profile even more, to be an ambassador where it matters...

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The making of CHFG eLearning modules

The making of CHFG eLearning modules

The pandemic magnified human factors and ergonomics issues in healthcare As we grappled with new ways of working, unfamiliar roles and teams, working under intense pressure in newly configured workplaces and if that wasn’t a big enough challenge – the hindrance to...

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Martin Bromiley – Lessons under pressure

Martin Bromiley – Lessons under pressure

"Not so long ago I finished 4 years of my life teaching aerobatics. If you ever wanted a time bound place to study humans under pressure this is probably one of the best places to be. And it wasn’t just the trainees under pressure! At the start of the COVID pandemic...

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