CHFG Ambassadors

The CHFG Ambassador Network exists to promote and champion the CHFG manifesto aims to support safety across health and social care by building high reliability, learning from both success and failure, and promoting human factors science. 

There are 3 types of CHFG ambassador: The Influencer, The Human Factors Professional, The Health/Social Care Professional. 

The Influencer

The Influencer is a person who brings any of the following:

  • Lived experience of harm
  • Worked at a national or international level across pollical and organisational boundaries
  • Experience of campaigning for safety and transparency in health/social care and statutory sector organisations

Human Factors Professional

The Human Factors Professional is a person who brings any of the following:

  • Working as a professional Human Factors Scientist with experience of applying Human Factors in a health and social care context.
  • An outstanding track record in the field of Human Factors

The Health/Social care Professional

The Health/Social care Professional is a person who brings any of the following:

  • Someone who has extensive experience and status at the front-line of health/social care
  • A health or social care professional who has an understanding of Human Factors for effective care, good outcomes, working environments and the benefits of their application in the health and social care context.

CHFG Ambassadors advocate for, and promote, the integration of Human Factors principles and practices in health and social care services. They engage with policy makers, decision makers, healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients by raising awareness of incorporating Human Factors into and across healthcare to improve safety, efficiency, overall quality of care and services. Our Ambassadors collaborate to share knowledge, experiences and best practices in the fields of Human Factors and healthcare to improve:

  • Patient safety
  • Staff wellbeing
  • A positive healthcare experience for all
  • Just culture
  • Advocacy
  • Collaboration
  • Education & training
  • Research & innovation

CHFG Ambassadors provide support via seminars, conferences, preparing written documents, involvement in specific projects, sense checking materials and promoting the CHFG across their networks.  They also seek and provide feedback to the trustees on CHFG activity and national issues.  They attend regular network meetings with other Ambassadors.

The CHFG Ambassadors

Susanna Stanford

Susanna Stanford

Patient with experience of effecting learning after harm.

Just culture, human factors and communication.

Obstetric Anaesthetists Association Executive Committee.

Professor Mark Young

Professor Mark Young

Professor of Human Factors in Transport within the Transportation Research Group at the University of Southampton.  Mark has nearly 30 years’ experience working in human factors across transport modes in both academia and industry.  Before joining the University of Southampton in June 2023, Mark spent 11 years working as an Inspector at the Rail Accident Investigation Branch, applying his human factors expertise to the investigation of railway incidents and accidents.  President of the CIEHF.

Dr Alastair Williamson

Dr Alastair Williamson

Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust

Associate Clinical Lead West Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative

Clinical Advisory Maternity investigations HSSIB

James Titcombe OBE

James Titcombe OBE

Chief Executive at Patient Safety Watch. Author of Joshua’s Story. Patient Safety Ambassador, Advocate and Speaker.


Joanne Hughes

Joanne Hughes

Restorative Approaches to Healthcare Harm – Advocate, Advisor, Trainer, Speaker,  Campaigner and Facilitator

Dr Neil Spenceley

Dr Neil Spenceley

Clinical Director of Paediatric Intensive Care and Anaesthesia, Royal Children’s Hospital, Glasgow. Former Scottish National Patient Safety Lead for Paediatrics

Dr Jane Carthey

Dr Jane Carthey

Human Factors and Patient Safety Consultant

Professor Janet Anderson

Professor Janet Anderson

Professor of Human Factors. Monash University Melbourne Australia

Janet was previously Lecturer and Research Fellow in Health Improvement at Kings College London and Professor of Quality Care for Older People at City University London.

Prof. Paul Bowie

Prof. Paul Bowie

Paul is Professor of Human Factors in Health at Staffordshire University, Programme Director for NHS England, Scotland and Senior Investigation Science Educator HSSIB.

Dr Shelly Jeffcott

Dr Shelly Jeffcott

Lead User Researcher at The Scottish Government, working in the Office of the Chief Designer and committed to putting the voices of people with lived experience first as we co-design the National Care Service in Scotland

Strategy Implementation and Quality Improvement Manager – Scottish Ambulance Service. Principal Educator in Primary Care. NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Dr Manoj Kumar

Dr Manoj Kumar

Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon, as well as the Associate Director of Medical Education at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.  He is the National Clinical Lead for the Team Based Quality Review Programme (NHS Education Scotland), which aims to improve safety reviews and organisational learning in health and social care. He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.

Professor Rob Galloway

Professor Rob Galloway

Rob is an Emergency Medicine Consultant, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust & Honorary Clinical Professor, Brighton and Sussex Medical School 

His medical interests are in improving patient outcomes through changing ‘systems of care’ from use of human factors and new cognitive decision-making approaches to new approaches in patient pathways and staff welfare. His impact on changing NHS practices saw him awarded the HSJ’s Top Ten Wild Card Influencers in 2021

Joe McCloud

Joe McCloud

Joe McCloud is a consultant colorectal surgeon at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. He developed an interest in human factors shortly after starting his consultant job, and has delivered human factors training in the trust. In addition he is faculty on the Non-Technical skills for Surgeons course.

He has completed a postgraduate certificate in Patient Safety from Oxford University, and is clinical patient safety lead for his trust.


Richard Brownhill

Richard Brownhill

Richard Brownhill has 30 years’ experience in nursing within a variety of settings including acute care, primary care, education, and service development. He currently works as a head of improvement for the emergency care improvement support team at NHS England, championing human factors/ergonomics as part of daily work at all levels of a system. Richard is passionate about workforce and optimising conditions for people to be able to work in systems and is currently completing his MSc in human factors for patient safety.


Andy Collen

Andy Collen

Consultant Paramedic (UEC)
Advanced Paramedic, Primary care
Medicines and Prescribing Project Lead, College of Paramedics. Author, Class Publishing.
Experienced healthcare professional with a Master of Science (MSc) focused in Advanced Paramedic from University of Surrey.

Suzy Broadbent

Suzy Broadbent

Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors Specialist | Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors

Clare Crowley

Clare Crowley

Healthcare Safety Investigator, C.ErgHF, ex hospital pharmacist interested in safety science and ergonomics

Liz Williams

Liz Williams

Experienced Professional Advisor with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Skilled in Learning Disabilities, Quality Management, and Service Development. Strong community and social services professional with a Master of Science (MS) focused in MSc in Analysis and Intervention from Tizard Centre.

Barry Kirby

Barry Kirby

Human Factors Consultant and MD at K Sharp Ltd – Host of 1202, The Human Factors Podcast. President of the CIEHF

Norman MacLeod

Norman MacLeod

After a 22 year career in the RAF in the training specialisation, during which time I attempted the first ever CRM course delivered to transport aircraft crews, I set up my own consultancy delivering CRM around the world.  An accredited UK CAA CRM Instructor and Examiner, currently involved with South Tees NHS as a Patient Safety Partner.

Dr Richard Duggins

Dr Richard Duggins

Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in the NHS

Steve Dawson

Steve Dawson

Registered mental health nurse of 25 years Steve continues to work clinically and has held a wide variety of clinical, leadership and managerial positions within NHS trusts. During this time Steve has worked on developing clinical policy, improving clinical services and staff development.  Experienced investigator for HSIB’s maternity program and  patient safety, championing human factors within Mental Health Trusts

Amanda Pike

Amanda Pike

Parent & Family Involvement Lead NHS Lincolnshire ICB

Richard McMaster

Richard McMaster

Chartered Human Factors specialist, with a particular interest in safety critical systems. 20 years in teaching, research and applied work within nuclear, defence, healthcare and emergency response.

Neill Thompson

Neill Thompson

Chartered Psychologist, and Assistant Psychologist teaching on the MSc Occupational and Organisational Psychology at Northumbria University

If you think you have the right skills to help promote our objectives and would like to work with us as an ambassador - please contact us.

To join the Group you need to share our mission, have demonstrated your support already, and be willing to give your time for free. To keep the group active and current we ask that you assist the Charity at least twice per year.