He was a trustee of the Clinical Human Factors Group from 2011 until his death at the end of 2022.
In the eleven years he shared himself with us, he played a much-valued role in developing and shaping the Charity and developing the thinking of fellow trustees.
He was generous with his time and his advice. He was wise, challenging, insightful and humble.
He always urged us to remember that the world is complex and that we have only scratched the surface of understanding; he reminded us to seek sense when no sense is in sight.
We are truly sad at the prospect of him not being around any longer for the many many people, in so many walks of life, whom he touched and supported.
In Matthews own words…..
“I shall be an activist till the end.
Hopefully [my contributions will be] a meaningful and useful future brick in the wall of knowledge.
We are all in this for the long journey, so long that it will outlast our own personal lifetimes.
I want to make a difference for patients and the health of the population”.
He was, they are, it will, he did.
Chris Frerk
Chair CHFG