The implementation of the concept of “Just Culture” is now widely seen as key for further improvement of aviation safety through more and better reporting of aviation occurrences. An essential condition for establishing a “Just Culture” at national level is an enhanced cooperation and coordination between safety and judicial authorities.
In November 2016 Martin Bromiley spoke in Lisbon at the EUROCONTROL ‘Just Culture’ conference to over 150 people, including Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots, Judges, Lawyers and Prosecutors. The conversations were fascinating and he wanted to share their model ‘Just Culture’ Policy.
The EUROCONTROL Just Culture Task Force, which is composed of legal and safety experts of the Member
States, European Commission, ATM and Air Transport associations and EUROCONTROL, has
developed a “Model Policy regarding criminal investigation and prosecution of civil
aviation incidents and accidents”.
This paper presents the said Model Policy, together with additional information in support of
the application of such a policy within the Member States. The information should be useful
for any organisation willing to undertake the substantial, but otherwise rewarding, task of
implementing such a policy within the state. The paper also presents background information
relative to the development of this policy.
Click here to view the Policy.