England’s 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives play an essential role in identifying and spreading safer care initiatives from within the NHS and industry, ensuring these are shared and implemented throughout the system.
They are based in the 15 Academic Health Science Networks and they are part of the national patient safety programme, with a mandate to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement in the NHS.
Established in response to the Berwick Review, their aim is to increase collaboration through transparency, sharing and implementing large-scale patient safety improvements that are sustainable and measurable.
They work with teams in their local health economies to identify opportunities for safety improvement, setting priorities in line with local needs. With patients, carers, frontline staff, stakeholders and industry, they co-design initiatives to reduce avoidable harm, improve safety, and create a listening and learning culture in the NHS.
Read about the progress the Patient Safety Collaboratives have made in their national report Making Care Safer for All.
Each of the Patient Safety Collaboratives has produced a plan on a page outlining their local activities. Find out more on their website