Date: 3rd December 2019

Time: 0930 – 1630

Venue: Rosalind Paget Room, Royal College of Nursing, 20 Cavendish Square, London, W1G 0RN Map

Audience: Q Community members


The Q community welcomed colleagues from Patient Safety and Human Factors & Ergonomics in a workshop presented by the Clinical Human Factors Group with the support of the Health Foundation.

Nikki Davey (Q member & Charity Trustee) presented a timeline for four sciences around patient safety evidence based medicine, quality improvement and Human Factors. Surprisingly an inverse timeline emerged for the group with a third coming to human factors later in their journey (despite it being the oldest science).

Charity Trustee Patrick Waterson (Loughborough Design School and tutor to many in the room!) then led a run-through of definitions of the sciences and tools of the trade – a group exercise showed that many were regular users of both QI and Human Factors tools with Emotional Mapping & System Linkage the most popular in QI.  For Human Factors, effort was concentrated around the most accessible data collection tools for – observations and interviews.

From a practical perspective, Nikki presented the ‘Shared Care Record’- a project to reduce emergency admissions by reducing falls.  Our guest speaker Jane O’Hara (Bradford Institute for Health Research) presented the Partners in Care Transitions (PACT).

Input from the floor showed reports of activity to address wrong side surgery, a ‘usability group’ tackling poor design and implementation of an Electronic Patient record system, look alike and sound alike medication packaging, implementation of the Theatre Cap Challenge to improve team communication, work with national procurement to use Human Factors and discussion of reports published by the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB).

Alistair Williamson – Clinician, trained in both Human Factors and QI rounded-up the day with reflections on the changes in healthcare as QI developed and Human Factors emerged.

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