This conference focuses on patient involvement and partnership for patient safety including implementing the National Framework for involving patients in patient safety, and developing the role of the Patient Safety Partner (PSP) in your organisation or service. The conference will also cover engagement of patients and families in serious incidents, and patient involvement under the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework.
“Patients and their carers should be present, powerful partners.”
NHS England September 2023
“The NHS patient safety strategy emphasises the importance of involving patients as partners in their own care, as well as the vital role of their families and carers, and other lay people, in working with care providers to help improve the quality of NHS care… Patient Safety Partners are patients, carers, family members or other lay people recruited to work in partnership with staff to influence and improve the governance and leadership of safety within an NHS organisation. The framework recommended patient safety partners be recruited across healthcare organisations to sit on patient safety committees”
NHS England September 2023
“Effectively involving patients, their families and NHS staff is fundamental to bringing about safety improvements.”
Louise Pye, Head of Family Engagement Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch August 2022
This conference will enable you to:
- Network with colleagues who are working to involve patients in improving patient safety
- Reflect on patient perspective
- Understand the practicalities of recruiting Patient Safety Partners
- Improve the way you recruit, work with and support Patient Safety Partners
- Develop your skills in embedding compassion and empathy into patient partnership
- Examine the role of patients under the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
- Understand how you can improve patient partnership, family engagement and involvement after serious incidents
- Identify key strategies for support patients, their families and carers to be directly involved in their own or their loved one’s safety
- Learn from case studies demonstrating patient partnership for patients safety in action
- Examine methods of involving patients to improve patient safety in high risk areas
- Self assess and reflect on your own practice
CHFG supports have a discount code of hcuk20chfg
If you would like more information on this event please go to the organiser’s booking page